The Boathouse has a number of double and single 'sit-on' kayaks for hire between the 1st April and 30th September.

Double kayaks are £48 per day. Single kayaks are £40 per day. Hire rates include seats and paddles.

The wearing of buoyancy aids is a condition of hire. If you do not have your own we have a range of sizes available at a cost of £6 per day.

The weight rating on our doulble kayaks is 30 stone combined and on our singles of 23 stone, including any dog/picnic. please be aware of this when booking.

Due to our insurance conditions, no child under the age of 8 may use the kayaks and any child under the age of 16 must be supervised by an accompanying adult at all times.

To book and pay for your kayak(s), please access our online booking system using the button below.

Single and double kayaks may be combined together on a one-day hire. First, check availability, then book them separately ensuring that you select the same date for each booking. For more help see FAQ’s below.

When the tide is out, there is very little water and you may have to pull your kayak across sand and mud to reach your destination, only actually kayaking in the deeper pools. Your best time is from 2 hours before high water until 2 hours after high water.

To work out the best time to arrive, you can view the Summer 2025 Tide Times for Burnham Overy Staithe here.

Kayak Hire


+ How do I check availability and make a booking for Double and Single Kayaks on the same day?

Select the Book Now button on the Kayak Hire page
Select the Daily Double Kayak hire option.
Choose Book Now and See dates/Show more availabilty Check availability of double kayaks on the date(s) you require.
Scroll up to the top of the window and select Back to activities.
Repeat the process for the Daily Single kayak hire option.

If both double and single kayaks are available on your preferred date, then book and pay for your single kayaks and any add ons.
Then return to the Daily double kayak hire option and book and pay for your double kayaks and any add ons you require.

Job done!

+ How do I find out the High Tide Times at Burnham Overy Staithe on the day(s) I wish to book?

Purchase a set of Burnham Overy Tide tables via our website; or use the tide data calendars for the summer months viewable on our Tide Times page.

+ The hire periods on the system are of two 10 hours durations (8am to 6pm or 12pm to 10 pm) – do we have to stay out in the Creek for all that time?

No. We stipulate that length of time to cover the range of High and Low Tide times we experience during the summer.

There is the noon booking slot to enable booking on the day, bookings after 8am were not possible with only one time slot. If you wish to arrive before noon you can.

The best time to kayak is from two hours before High Water to two hours afterwards as there is more water in the Creek during those times. However, some users like to go out for the day whatever the state of the tide and would wish to be able to use their kayaks for the whole hire period. You are free to collect and return the kayaks at any time during the ten hour period to suit you.

Once you have made your booking it would be useful if you could email us with some idea of your planned arrival time on the day.

+ Can I bring my dog with me on the kayak?

If you have kayaked with your dog before then yes, providing you are able to keep it under control at all times. It should always be kept on a lead when you are ashore. Otherwise we cannot recommend it as you could end up losing control and/or endangering your dog, yourself and other Creek users.

+ My daughter is 7 years old, can she come on a double kayak with me?

Our insurance cover stipulates that the minimum age for kayak use is 8 years, so unfortunately she will have to wait until next year to join you.

+ My son is 15 years old - can I hire a single kayak for him to use?

Not unless he is part of a group that includes an experienced adult also kayaking.

+ Where can I park when I visit Burnham Overy Staithe to hire your kayaks?

The most popular area for parking is known as 'The Hard' - the entrance to this large, flat, gravelled area is just on the bend before you reach the Boathouse.

However, be warned, it does get very busy so be prepared to turn up early to secure a place. It also floods to a height of several feet on a high spring tide and you risk having your vehicle inundated if you park there at the wrong time. Check with us on arrival. The only other option is to park on the roadside verge - that too is difficult on a sunny day and you may find yourself having to leave your car some way from the Boathouse. One consolation, if you can secure a place, is that all parking is free.

+ What circumstances might cause the cancellation of kayaking activities by the operator?

The most common cause of cancellation is bad weather - in particular, strong winds. Above a certain wind strength it becomes almost impossible to make headway in a sit-on kayak due to the windage it creates. This, coupled with strong tidal flows in the Creek, can lead to some very dangerous conditions. A forecast of persistent heavy rain and unseasonal cold temperatures might also lead to cancellation as our summer visitors are rarely equipped to deal with such conditions and hypothermia can be a killer.

+ Can I take my kayak out to sea during my visit?

Absolutely not. The harbour entrance between Scolt Head Island and Gun Hill is notorious for its fierce currents and broken water and several people in small boats have lost their lives in recent years trying to navigate through to the open sea. For this reason, the kayaking area is limited to Burnham Creek, Norton Creek and the channels in Overy Marsh and this will be explained to you during the briefing.

+ What should I do with my valuables when I am out kayaking?

They are probably best locked securely in your car. If you wish to leave your car keys, phone etc with us we would be happy to look after them while you are out on the water. If you must take a phone/camera out with you please ensure it is either completely waterproof or enclosed in a guaranteed waterproof bag or pouch attached to your person. Do not simply wrap it in a polythene bag and hope that it will stay dry if you drop it in the sea water - a number of useless phones and cameras here at the Boathouse are evidence of that mistake.

+ Are there any public toilets in Burnham Overy Staithe?

No, unfortunately not. However, the Boathouse has one that you, as a customer, are permitted to use . The local pub - The Hero; has good facilities often frequented by members of the public - who will often then visit the excellent bar and restaurant after their kayaking session. If you would like to eat there, do book well in advance as they are very popular during the summer months.

+ You say the Creek at Burnham Overy Staithe is 'tidal'. What exactly does that mean?

Burnham Overy Staithe is on the Norfolk coast and, although almost a mile inland, it is still subject to the tidal flows of the North Sea and experiences two tidal 'cycles' every day. This is why tide tables indicate two High Waters (HW) and two Low Waters (LW) in every 24 hour period. The maximum and minimum heights of the tide also vary each day depending on the gravitational pull of the moon. Visitors to Overy during a very low tide might see what appears to be a small, harmless, gently flowing river in the Creek bed. If they were to visit during a very high tide, they would see nothing of the marsh and its creeks as they would be completely covered by the sea and waves could well be lapping up onto the road in front of the Boathouse. The shape of the harbour affects the timing of the incoming (flood) and outgoing (ebb) tide. In most coastal areas it takes six hours for the tide to come in and six hours for it to go out, but at Overy the sandbar outside the harbour entrance holds up the incoming tide so that the flood, when it comes, is much quicker - approx 2.5 hours in duration. There is no standing water at high tide, instead the ebb starts straight away and most of the water has left the harbour 2.5 hours later. This means that when there is a big high tide, a very large volume of water is entering and leaving the harbour in a very short time and this leads to some very strong tidal flow currents - 6 knots or more. All Creek users need to be aware of this danger.